Monday, February 11, 2019

Hi neighbors,

We hope to see you tomorrow for our first business meeting of 2019, back at Eastwood Christian Church, 6:30-7:30pm.


- Theme for the year: Eastwood Roots --> neighborhood stories (first 5 minutes)
- Updates from Officer Fisher
- Introductions
     - Neighbors in attendance
     - Board members and our roles/interests
- Jim from Neighbor2Neighbor: Updates & upcoming events
- Cliff: Friends of Shelby Park announcement
- Chris: Hub Nashville announcement
- Jackie: Updates (East High/Bailey vote)
- Announcement of March 19 Eastwood Roots event: oral histories and neighborhood dinner
- Wendy & Hwesi: membership and outreach
- All: What brings you to Eastwood Neighbors' events? How can we better serve you?