Friday, November 24, 2006

Christmas Angels

Every year neighbors within our community team up with the Family Resource Center (FRC) at Cora Howe Elementary to adopt Christmas Angels. Below is a message from Joanna Bane at the FRC. If you would like to adopt a Christmas Angel from within your own community this year, please email me your name, phone number or email address, and whether you would prefer a boy or girl or either. Joanna will contact you with the name of your Angel and what they need/want for Christmas and sizes, etc.

Please respond to by Friday, November 17th. If you already signed up at Monday night's meeting, you do not need to sign up again. You should have your Angel details by early next week.

About some of our kids:
Cora Howe is an ELL school (English Language Learners) and there are seven ELL classes at Cora Howe, the majority of those students are either Latino or Somali. Many of the students from Somalia come to the U.S. as refugees, and most of them start out owning few possessions. The students come to school dressed in hand-me-downs, of all shapes and colors, even boys wearing girls pants and vice versa. Whatever clothes they have, they wear, no matter if it's pajama bottoms that are a size too small. Also, many of them do not have shoes that are the correct size. When I asked our Somali translator to call families to ask about the children's clothing & shoe sizes, the parents didn't even know b/c they don't go out and buy new stuff for their kids. We are going to have to check their sizes here at school. Last year, a young Somali boy in Kindergarten got a new pair of shoes..... you would have thought it was some great toy, because he could hardly wait to put them on and wear them home. Many of these kids don't have much, and if they do, it's second-hand or used. So to even get one new outfit, and toy, and a book would be so exciting! Not all of our Christmas angels are from Somalia. There are some that have grown up right here in Nashville and whose parents work really hard making minimum wage, trying to own their own car, pay bills on time, and all in all, trying to do better for themselves. There are many barriers our families face, and trying to provide Christmas presents for their kids is one of them. Most children would just be happy with a new toy and a new outfit. It would also help raise their self esteem too! If in your heart you are moved to sponsor one of our Cora Howe Angels, then please sign up. Your kindness and generosity is much appreciated!
Thank you!
~Joanna Bane
Case Manager