Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Looking for Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to help deliver the Fall 2009 edition of the Eastwood Neighbors Newsletter. The newsletter is currently ready for delivery, and our goal is to have all newsletters in the hands of each neighbor by this Sunday, October 11th. I have developed a map (see below) that identifies the 19 delivery routes. Twelve of these routes are currently in need of a delivery volunteer. I will list these twelve routes below and include the approximate number of houses within each route. The route number corresponds with the attached map.

Like I mentioned, the newsletter is ready for delivery, so if you are interested please email or call 615-715-4164 as soon as possible and let me know which route you are interested in.

Here are the available routes:

#1 - Eastland Avenue (north side, Gallatin to Porter), Benson - @40 houses
#2 - North 12th, Seymour Ave, Petway Ave - @31 houses
#9 - Granada Avenue - @30 houses
#10 - Sharpe Avenue, Matthews Place - @65 houses
#11 - Roberts Avenue - @40 houses
#13 - McKennie Avenue - @80 houses
#15 - Chapel Avenue (from Eastland to Douglas) - @75 houses
#17 - Scott Avenue (from Eastland to RR tracks) - @65 houses
#18 - Benjamin (from Scott to Porter), Fall Street, Gentry Ave, Franklin (from Scott to Gentry) - @50 houses
#19 - Pontotoc Avenue, Early Avenue - @40 houses
#20 - Porter Ave (from Eastland to RR tracks) - @37 houses
#21 - Tillman Lane, Powers Ave, McCarn St, Washington Ave, Water Ave, Rosebank Ave - @98 houses

Thank you!