ENA Meeting Reminder - Dec 1st
Our last meeting for 2009 will be on Tuesday, Dec 1st, 6:30pm at Eastwood Christian Church (1601 Eastland Ave).
It's a dessert night, so feel free to bring some cookies or goodies to share, or simply show up as I'm sure there will be plenty!
For the past several years, the same officers have diligently kept the Eastwood Neighbors Association alive and kicking with meetings; events such as neighborhood cleanups and the Night Out Against Crime; tree plantings; creating new blog and facebook/twitter pages for better communication; and by simply investing in our neighborhood by informing other neighbors about area happenings.
These current officers are going to step down (though they will still be involved), regardless if someone is there to fill their spot. We NEED new neighbors to step up and become involved in order to continue to keep the ENA thriving and active and continue to have a voice within our community.
As highlighted in our last newsletter, neighborhoods with active neighborhood associations, see faster and more consistent increases in property values; are better equipped to fight crime; are better able to leverage desired
outcomes from decision makers (public and private, elected and appointed); are better equipped to contend
with unexpected changes and challenges (from zoning changes to tornadoes); and simply have more fun!
For those of you who want to see our neighborhood continue to thrive and get even better than it already is, then I implore you to consider volunteering for an office. We are looking for neighbors to take over the roles of President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer.
I encourage you to become active in Eastwood Neighbors Association and have your voice heard. Think something is lacking within the neighborhood? Well, this is your chance to become involved and make it happen.
If you would like to hear more about what is involved in a particular office, please feel free to email us at admin@eastwoodneighbors.org
I hope to see you at the meeting on Tuesday! Bring a friend and your dessert stomach!