Monday, May 10, 2010

Flood Cleanup Info: Debris Collection

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dear Metro Council Member,

Starting tomorrow morning at 6 a.m., Public Works and a fleet of trucks from two private companies will begin countywide disaster debris collection. Up to this point, the department has been using its own trucks and equipment to remove debris in communities hardest-hit by flooding; having an additional 60-plus trucks from these two vendors means we can expand service to the entire county.

We continue to need your help in communicating important information to the public about how to separate flood debris and place it at the street for collection. Separating the debris into piles will help Public Works with sorting it for proper disposal later on; we prefer that TVs, computers and other electronics NOT be included with other debris. MOST IMPORTANT, parked vehicles need to be moved off the street so that trucks can reach the debris piles.

We have created a "Residential Disaster Debris Guidelines" flier with instructions for debris collection. A copy is attached to this email; it is also posted on our website at . We ask you to distribute this information to your constituents and as many citizens as possible.

Your assistance so far with our Disaster Recovery Effort is very much appreciated. Please contact me at 862-8706 if you have any questions.

Billy Lynch, Director
Metro Public Works