Saturday, April 3, 2010

April Announcements for Eastwood Neighbors

Coming Soon: Spring 2010 Eastwood Newsletter!

The Spring 2010 Eastwood Newsletter will be arriving hot off the presses early the week of April 5th. We are hoping to get copies delivered to every door in Eastwood by no later than Sunday, April 11th. Volunteers are needed, so please contact Chad Grout at if you can help deliver a route. Most routes are between 30-60 homes.

New Group: MOMS Club of East Nashville

Eastwood Neighbor Alice Smith is part of an amazing and diverse group of moms in East Nashville called the MOMS Club of East Nashville, TN. The club has just recently gotten their website put together to help spread the word about their fun group. They have lots of activities for moms and kids, serve in the community as a group, and are a great resource and support for all types of families in East Nashville. Please check out their site at

Eastwood Volunteers Requested for the Country Music Marathon (April 24th)

The Nashville Sports Council would like to extend the opportunity for the residents of East Nashville to volunteer for the Country Music Marathon & 1/2 Marathon on Saturday, April 24th. It is an extremely exciting event for the city of Nashville, as each year the marathon attracts over 30,000 participants and nearly 100,000 spectators! Volunteer shifts are available Wednesday, April 21st through Saturday, April 24th. Please have interested individuals complete the attached volunteer registration form and fax to (615)244-3540 or mail to:
Nashville Sports Council
Attn: Country Music Marathon Volunteers
414 Union Street, Suite 800
Nashville, TN 37219
Applications may also be submitted online at If you have any questions, please contact me at (615)743-3064 or

We truly appreciate your support and hope to see you in April!