Neighborhood presidents –
As you may know, Mayor Karl Dean has established Nashville’s Child and Youth Task Force and has charged its Out-of-School Time Committee to develop a “Child and Youth Master Plan.” The purpose of the plan is to establish a vision, then organize and prioritize strategies for the city to ensure that our young people grow up healthy, safe, educated and prepared for life.
As part of its Investigative Phase, the Task Force is seeking as much input as possible from the community. This includes a series of ten Community Listening Sessions throughout the city. On Tuesday evening, April 13th, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, one of those Listening Sessions will be conducted at East Community Center, 601 Russell St.
If you could please help me encourage attendance at this session by circulating this message to your constituencies, I would be most appreciative.
Additionally, the Task force is asking Nashvillians to complete a brief survey (takes about 10 minutes). The survey can be accessed via the links below. So that the community's voice is heard, I hope you will take a moment to complete the survey, encourage others to do likewise, and if you are able, attend the listening session. Your input is critical to future of Nashville's youth.
Thank you,
Mike Jameson
Metro Council, 6th District
1218 Forrest Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37206
(o) (615) 515-8123 or 255-2555
(h) (615) 227-5940
(c) (615) 585-0008