Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Congrats to Eastwood's new slate of officers and board members!

At our December 9th meeting, Eastwood Neighbors elected a new slate of officers and board members. 

Outgoing President, Brett A. Withers, is stepping down as president after five years but will continue to serve on the board as Ex Officio President.   Brett will be focusing more time on his duties as a board member of several other Nashville nonprofit organizations.

The 2015 slate of officers includes:
  • Cliff Lippard, President
  • Gracie Vandiver, Vice President
  • Jerry Vandiver, Treasurer
  • Mollie Weinman, Secretary

Brett encouraged neighbors from the portion of the neighborhood east of Porter Road to join Eastwood's board to help engage neighbors in that section of the neighborhood, which is presently experiencing a great deal of development attention. 

The 2015 slate of at-large board members includes:
  • Lanier Brandau, continuing her service to the neighborhood after joining the board in 2014
  • Stephanie Sullivan, a new board member who is a resident of Porter Road
  • Mark Richards, a new board member who is a resident of Powers Ave

The above slate of officers and board members was elected with a unanimous vote of those in attendance at the meeting.  The new board is presently meeting under the leadership of Cliff Lippard and will be announcing meeting dates and new initiatives for 2015 soon.  Thank you for your service!

Other topics discussed during the meeting included the Greenwood Village redevelopment proposal for the historic Hobson Church site at Greenwood and Chapel and the Eastwood/Rolling Acres Contextual Overlay study.

Greenwood Village/Hobson Chapel:  Clay Haynes presented an updated site plan that reflected changes to incorporate neighborhood feedback from the October Eastwood Neighbors meeting as well as from various Metro agencies.  The proposal presented was still a plan in process and is not yet final.  It includes 14 single-family detached homes (including the historic parsonage, which will be restored) around the perimeter of the site.  The historic church buildings are proposed to be used as 75% office space and 25% restaurant/food space.  The plan would exclude late-night businesses.  The existing connector that links the two historic buildings would be replaced by a new building of similar mass with micro-retail spaces and four lofts.  The vehicular entrance on Chapel Ave would be right-in/right-out only in order to discourage additional vehicular traffic on Roberts Ave. 

Result:  At the end of the presentation Brett Withers asked for a show of hands of neighbors present who support the general concept of the site plan presented as well as the premise of changing the land use policy from residential-only uses to allow for commercial uses as described in the plan presented that night.  This motion received unanimous support from those present at the meeting.  Additional meetings will be scheduled in 2015 as this plan works its way through the Planning Commission and Metro Council public hearing process.

Eastwood/Rolling Acres Contextual Overlay Study:  Brett Withers presented a map showing the properties that have submitted Contextual Overlay property-owner surveys to date.  Brett recommended extending the deadline a few weeks to allow more time for property owners to learn about the Contextual Overlay District legislation and to submit their surveys.  The final results will be presented at a future date.