Monday, April 8, 2019

Please plan to join us for this Tuesday's Eastwood Neighbors business meeting.

All are welcome! Bring a neighbor along with you as we work to grow our reach as a neighborhood group this year.

When: Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 6:30-7:30pm*
Where: Eastwood Christian Church, 1601 Eastland Ave.


- Welcome/Intros & Sign-in/Eastwood Roots theme question: Jackie Hansom (Wendy Windsor with sign-in and membership sheets)
- Police Community Liaison update: Sgt. Fisher
- Eastwood Roots recap: Board
- Treasurer's report: Sydney Stars
- C4N Conference scholarship: Hwesi Zanu
- Membership: Wendy Windsor and Hwesi Zanu
- Walk/Bike Nashville--Core Bike Lane Petition: Tom Grose
- Neighborhood Resources: Davidson Co. Cooperative Ext. Service: Sydney Stars
- Discussion of future speaker ideas: Jerry Vandiver
- Design Guidelines Consolidation Project: Bob Rehley 
- Councilperson update: Brett Withers
- Hobson Place update: Chris Weinman (Clay Haynes if able to attend)
- Disease education and prevention: Dr. George Wilkerson 
- Next event--May Gathering at Jerry and Gracie's: Jerry Vandiver (passing out flyers)
- Other announcements--East Trinity Eats, etc.: Jackie Hansom (and/or others)

* Meeting will be held strictly to one hour to respect everyone's time!